RJ Industries
CO2 Footprint
RJ Industries R&D provide the Digital Carbon Footprint Measuring Tools and provide the best solution to the customer on-site. RJ Industries Estimated the CO2 footprint measurement and reduction feasibility R & D services with control measures.
Coal Mining
Industrial Process Industry
Electric Power Industries
Waste Management Industries
The global burden of disease assessments, listed outdoor air pollution among the top 10 health risks in India. The study estimated 695,000 premature deaths and loss of 18.2 million healthy life years due to outdoor PM2.5 and ozone pollution for year 2010-11. Among the health risk factors studied, outdoor air pollution was ranked 5th in mortality and 7th in overall health burden in India. Household (indoor) air pollution from burning of solid fuels was responsible for an additional one million premature deaths. The issue of household energy consumption (HEC) and its contribution to indoor and outdoor air pollution is critical to India, because of the high magnitude of population exposed to such pollution every day.